Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 77: My Strange Talent

Okay, I'm about to let you in on one of my most secret special talents I've been blessed with my whole life..  I have an awesome memory.  I remember the weirdest things.  Sometimes my sister even thinks I'm making stuff up when I'm telling a story of a childhood memory about her.  Anyway, Preston will love this blog I can tell already.  Mostly because he lovingly makes fun of this strange memory talent I have involving recognizing actors from different commercials.  "Oh that girl on the Milo's Kitchen commercial is also on a Metamucil commercial!"  or "Hey that lady in the Farmers Insurance commerical is also one of the ladies in those Velveeta Cheesy Skillet commercials!" 

So tonight I'm watching my DVRd episode of 24 Hour Catwalk and the girl that won this episode, has also been on an episode of TLC's My Strange Addiction.  She is Divya, the girl who was addicted to taxidermy. She said on 24 Hour Catwalk that she wants to start her own line of taxidermy clothing.  Ooookay.

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