Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 90: Creepy Fog

I got off at 11 tonight and had to go to Kroger on my way home.  When I went back out to the car I came out to this creepy fog floating across the parking lot. 

PS.. sorry I have started getting a little lazy about posting before bed.  I'm still adjusting to my job change and stuff. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 89: New Chapter

Today starts a new chapter in my career as it was my last day at Starbucks.  I'm sad to be leaving but also I'm just really excited about going back to Hospitality.  Emme baked a blueberry macadamia cake and it was really good.  Thank you to everyone I met and worked with at Starbucks.  I learned alot from all of you and I also learned alot about myself.  I'll never forget the time I spent working with you guys at the Buck! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 88: Best 3 years of my life!

Today is Preston's and my 3 year wedding anniversary.  I have to say it has been the best 3 years of my life.  Happy anniversary Buz I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 87: Best Birthday Ever!

Today was my 28th birthday and I have to say even though I worked it was one of the best birthdays I have ever had.  When I got to work there were balloons a fruit bowl and a piece of cake from my good friend Morgan.  Also later in the evening my friend Laura brought me a gift which was a pretty soap in a keepsake box and a cute pad of paper.  Then when I got home I checked the mail and there was a card in it from our kittens that Pres had just stuck in the mail box.  And when I went inside Preston was at the door singing happy birthday to me and he baked me a cake!!!!  And of course there were all the sweet birthday wishes from my friends on Facebook.  Thank you everyone for making this such a great birthday!  I love all of you!!!!  Also tonight was my last closing shift at Starbucks so I'm adding a pick of all us closers.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 86: Silk Screen Supplies For Sale

Alright so you can forget about Apple Tree Monday because apparently I have and I will never remember to make it my Monday photo again.

Anyway, tonight I cleaned out and reorganized some of my crafting supplies and came across one set in particular that I have maybe used once since I bought it almost 6 years ago.  It's a set of screen printing supplies from Speedball I bought online with the intention of becoming this amazing t-shirt designer.  Ha! There is more involved with this than I could ever get into so I'm about to go post this picture and description on Craigslist.  Even though the inks are kind of old I think all but maybe 2 of them are still unopened.  Oh yeah, kitten not included.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 85: MONDO!!!!!!!!

Okay so since I've been away from home for 4 out of the last 5 days I am just getting around to watching my DVRed episode of the Project Runway Allstars Finale.

I desperately wanted Mondo to win his original season but they went with Gretchen, who was ok I guess.  So this whole season of Allstars my mom and I have been rooting for Mondo ALL THE WAY!!!  And he WON!!!!!! Yay Mondo Guera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 84?

I'm house sitting and working both jobs till my 2 weeks is up so i didn't have time for photo today. Here's an old pic of the kitties.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 83

I'm house/pet sitting and watching my first boxing match. This is actually quite entertaining.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 82: The Hunger Games

I finished reading The Hunger Games in the wee morning hours today.  I am so excited about the movie.  I heard of the Hunger Games a couple of years ago and I have to admit I have never been much of a reader.  This series has sucked me right in and I have already started Catching Fire.  I'm not sure when I am going to see the movie but it is definitely happening sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 81: Kitten Hideout

I got to the end of the day and into bed when I realized I had not done the photo blog.  Preston sent me this picture of Waffles hiding in the little kitty hideout we have in our bedroom.  It's funny because when we first got it they never used it but they always knocked it onto its side and when we put it back up they would just knock it over again.  So we just decided to put it in a place where it would fit sideways and they are in it all the time now.  We keep some of their toys in it and Preston spied Waffles digging for one and snapped the picture.  Isn't she just so sweet and adorable here?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 80: First Day of Spring

So it's the first day of Spring, my favorite season.  I happen to be baby sitting Darby for the next few nights so I decided to find a picture of my parents' flower beds in anticipation of mid Spring when they will all be beautifully bloomed. I love Spring so much because it's like a reawakening of beautiful colors and smells and the air feels perfect and never too hot or cold.  I also love Spring because my birthday and wedding anniversary come very soon after it starts.  Preston and I will be married for 3 years March 28!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 79: My New Job

I'm still at Starbucks until the 27th, but tonight I got to spend a few hours at Hilton Garden Inn.  I learned my way around the front desk and met a few more of the staff members, and some of the regular weekly guests. I really enjoyed myself tonight and I am so ready to get back into the Hospitality Industry.  I'm sad to be leaving Starbucks but I really feel like it's time for me to get back to my roots.  My name tag is so cute.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 78: My Friend Emme

Today my friend Emme gave me this huge bag of craft stuff she no longer needed.  Wow, this bag was full of goodies!

Glitter, paint, glitter paint, ribbon, stamps, fabrics, paint brushes, thread, mod podge, you name it.  Emme!!! Thanks so much for all my goodies!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 77: My Strange Talent

Okay, I'm about to let you in on one of my most secret special talents I've been blessed with my whole life..  I have an awesome memory.  I remember the weirdest things.  Sometimes my sister even thinks I'm making stuff up when I'm telling a story of a childhood memory about her.  Anyway, Preston will love this blog I can tell already.  Mostly because he lovingly makes fun of this strange memory talent I have involving recognizing actors from different commercials.  "Oh that girl on the Milo's Kitchen commercial is also on a Metamucil commercial!"  or "Hey that lady in the Farmers Insurance commerical is also one of the ladies in those Velveeta Cheesy Skillet commercials!" 

So tonight I'm watching my DVRd episode of 24 Hour Catwalk and the girl that won this episode, has also been on an episode of TLC's My Strange Addiction.  She is Divya, the girl who was addicted to taxidermy. She said on 24 Hour Catwalk that she wants to start her own line of taxidermy clothing.  Ooookay.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 76: Darby Sitting Darby Fun

This week we babysat my little dog sister Darby.  I never mind her sleeping on the bed but Preston does so I woke up this morning and almost stepped on her. This is what she looked like.  All splayed out on the floor with her head under the bed.  This is the funniest I have ever seen her.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 75: Bricks Cafe

Okay first I want to say I have no idea whatsoever why on Earth I called yesterday day 72.  Probably one of my weird dyslexic moments.

So tonight Preston and I ate at Bricks Cafe in celebration of my new job.  I love this place.  Anyway I always get the Pesto Chicken Ravioli.  I thought about taking a picture of it but I had already eaten half of it by then and no one wants to see half eaten food OK I'm grossing myself out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 74: Hospitality Professional

Today marks a new journey in Preston's and my life together.

After 2 and a half years away I have decided to return to the Hospitality Industry. Most people who know me know that I was in the industry for 8 years before I went to Starbucks. I'm really sad to be leaving Starbucks but I am also really excited about going back to my roots as a Hospitality Professional.  This picture is the only one I could find of me in this kind of setting, and it happens to be at the hotel where Preston and I met when he delivered a pizza to a guest. It's at least a 3 year old picture of me at the front desk of the Hilton Suites in Brentwood.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 73: My Hour at Radnor

Today I got off work at 4 and decided to go for a hike at Radnor Lake State Park.

I even planned ahead and brought my new hiking boots for the occasion.  I took the South Cove Trail which has an elevation of 1000 feet above sea level.  The first time I took this trail with Preston I thought I was going to die, and that time I had my walking stick with me.  Today I did not have time to grab it so I had to do without.  I saw 5 deer, one of which was just kind of laying down chilling.  I also saw 4 turtles and more birds than I could keep track of.  It was such the perfect day for this too.  I couldn't have asked for better weather during my hike.  I know it is still technically Winter but I can sure feel Spring coming right along, and Spring is my favorite season.  The photo is of the entrance to the South Cove Trail.  Also in case you want more info about Radnor Lake here is a link to there website.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 72: Apple Tree Monday 2

It's Apple Tree Monday again here at 365 photo blog!

As you can see here I am only showing the right end of the planter because the ones I planted on the left end are barely popping out now and when I tried to get the whole thing in the shot it was a little blurred.  So hopefully by next Monday they will be a little more sprouted out of the dirt and I can get a better shot of them.  And in case anyone was wondering, there are 12 apple trees total. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 71: Another Fear Faced

Tonight I faced another fear of mine.  I don't know why but when I was a kid, riding my bike on the country back roads never bothered me, even when there would be cars coming.  I guess as a kid you are less fearful of things that can be dangerous sometimes.  Anyway since P and I got our bikes for Christmas I've pretty much kept to the neighborhoods and apartment complexes around here, and mostly during the day.  So when I got up in front of him and went out onto Port Royal without even caring I knew I'd made a breakthrough.  Then I figured I shouldn't be afraid of anything because life's no fun unless you just go out and try new things.  Then you find out your fear has been holding you back from something this whole time.  OK didn't mean to get all philosophical on you there.  Photo courtesy of JP Holland JR.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 70: My East TN Family

Today my brothers from East TN and two of my nephews and my niece came to town to spend the day watching the FSU basketball game with their dad/my stepdad.  I worked at the SBUX near my parents' house this morning so I thought I'd drop in to say hi to everyone.  I got to play with some play dough with my niece Isabella and we had such a fun time.  I took a picture of all the shapes and animals we made and printed it out from the computer.  I also played Angry Birds with my nephew Noah and a PBS kids game with Jackson. What a fun time I had getting to see my East TN family today.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 69: Person of Interest

Nothing really interesting happened today so I thought I'd share one of my favorite shows as my pic o' the day.

My favorite shows are mostly on CBS, one of which being Person of Interest.  If you haven't seen it or even know what it's about I recommend checking it out.  Jim Caviezel is awesome in this show.  It comes on Thursday nights on CBS.  Obviously I have to DVR it and that is why I'm watching it on a Friday night.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 68: Rainy Day

Today it rained cats and dogs here in Middle Tennessee.  You just have to love all the slow drivers who don't know how to handle the rainy wet roads.  I'll admit, I used to be one of them but there is a difference between someone just being cautious, and someone who is just being a scared little weenie.  Anyway I worked this morning and this evening I did Zumba with my girl Emme.  I had a good day today.  This pic is the view from my car while I was getting ready to haul it to the door at Kroger.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 67: Henry Horton State Park

Today Preston and I went for a hike in Henry Horton State Park.  The weather was very nice and we had a wonderful time.  I also finally got to use my new hiking boots Preston's parents got me for Christmas.  The trail we chose today has lots of giant holes you can walk into.  You can see in the picture how big this one is.  You can also see Preston somewhere in there.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 66: Weed Garden

I have a flower pot outside that used to have a little Christmas tree in it.  Well the tree died and I've just lef the pot outside with the dirt still in it.  It appears there are some weeds growing around where the tree was before.  This is kind of cool to me and I really don't know why.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 65: Apple Tree Monday 1st Edition

Welcome to "Apple Tree Mondays"!!!

I planted a few more apple seeds and they are growing so fast I have decided to start documenting them on a weekly basis. So start looking forward to Apple Tree Monday every week!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 64: My Little Sister

Today's photo is brought to you by the best little sister in the whole world.  She's my parents' Golden Retriever, Darby.

She's 9 years old and she's one of the sweetest and cuddliest dogs I've ever met.  Tonight I went to my parents' for dinner and she was just having a ball with the Angry Bird I got her for Christmas.  She's so smart.  Whenever I am there she always seems to go find one of the toys I got for her.  Look the Angry Bird made it in the pic.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 63: Rock Pile Tree

Today's photo is brought to you by a tree that is growing out of the side of a giant pile of rocks.

The community of townhomes Pres and I live in is partially still a construction zone. At the very end of our street there is an empty cul-de-sac and on the edge of it there is a huge pile of rocks and dirt.  I think it's mostly rocks.  Anyway there is a little tree growing out the side of it.  It's super cute.  As I walked through some weeds to get pile of rocks I found a golf ball mostly smashed into the mud.  Which makes sense there would be a golf ball there because when we moved into our place there were broken golf tees on the ground just off our back porch, as if someone had been back there hitting balls across the field.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 62: Stormy Weather Then a Rainbow

Today's photo is brought to you by the stormy weather we've had here in Middle Tennessee today.

Being from West Texas I am used to this kind of weather, so it doesn't really affect me.  We did end up having to take cover in the ladies' room at work just to be safe.  The rainbow is from the front of my Starbucks.

News Channel 5 Info  <--this is a link to the news reports on News Channel 5 Nashville.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 61: Earrings Made by Kelso Plus an Update

Today's photo is brought to you by my good friend Kelsey aka Kelso.  You may remember seeing her in the elephant hat on the Day 1 post.

I remember now I few weeks ago she asked me what colors I wear, and told me not to try to figure out why she was asking.  Well today I found out why! She made these beautiful hand crafted earrings for me.  They are made of glass and have little pieces of plant sandwiched between.  I'm sorry I forgot what she said the plant was called. I know it has the word lace in it.   (Look below pic for update)

You may remember Day 33: Whitney Sews February Viewer Showcase where I talked about having emailed a couple of pictures of some of my projects I've done.  The showcase came out today on her youtube channel and she included all three of the projects I submitted.  This is super exciting for me because I'm a huge fan of her sewing and craft tutorials.  Watch for my projects! They will say my name when they pop up.