Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 144: The Google Moog Doodle

Not many people know this but my husband is really into electronic music. Especially music made with old school synthesizers like the ones created by Robert Moog. It's the late Robert Moog's 78th birthday and Google has a Moog synth doodle that you can record a little song onto.  Here's P checking it out.

Day 143: Pretty Weeds

Today I took a walk around our neighborhood and saw a whole bunch of thistle weed flowers all in one big bunch. Also in the front you will see a giant blow flower. So pretty.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 141: My Car Buddy

So anyone who knows me probably knows how much I love Gumby. Well I have a bendable Gumby in my car and today it looked like he was about to start taking notes with that pen.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 140: Little Blue Bird

Today I was going through some things in the hobby room and I heard a little song coming from right outside the window. It was from this cute little fellow. The picture quality is not that great because I zoomed in.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139: Gotta love being a homeowner

So a few days ago I noticed a strange spot on our kitchen cieling. The next day I realized it was actually a leak. We had a plumber come out to take a look only for him to discover the problem is our HVAC. It froze up then thawed and the water leaked out somehow and now we have this.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Days 130-138: Sorry I've Really Been Busy

So I have been pretty busy and not able to blog like I was. I hate doing it like this but there's no way I'll be able to go back and do all the days I missed. So here's a pic of ny calendar just showing the whole past week or so that I missed.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 129: Crafty Time

So today I felt inspired and decided to finish making some coasters I started months ago. Nothing else real interesting about today.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 128: Our Business Website

Today I made a website for our pet sitting business. It's not live yet but it's getting there.

Day 127: Edie's Hair Flowers

Today my sister Molly and I made some really cute flowers for my niece Edie to wear in her little headbands. They were really fun and cute!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 126: Waffles is Shockingly Human

I was having breakfast this morning and caught Waffles gazing out the window. She looks like an angsty teenager staring inti space thinking about her boyfriend or school or something.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day125: Lightin' Storm

Anyone who really knows me knows how much I love stormy weather. Especially during night storms I'll stand at the window and take pictures one right after the other just trying to capture lightning on my phone. I probably took at least 200 tonight and got 3 really good ones and a couple of medium good ones. This one was the best.

Day 124: Scary Coyotes

Tonight I took a ride on my bike, and I was going to go in a circle but I turned around and came home the same way I came.  So there are 2 subdivisions around where we live and P just discovered they connect.  There is a strip about a half mile between where there are not any houses yet and when it's night you can see the stars really well.  Last night when I got to this point I could hear some emergency sirens off in the distance, probably somewhere along Saturn Parkway.  Anyway as these sirens were going off I could hear very clearly in the wooded area there were several coyotes back there howling at them.  Now, I grew up in the boonies of West Texas so I know what coyotes sound like.  At first it sounds like it might be a bunch of kids laughing and having a good time but then when you listen closer you can here the yipping and howling and you know it's not people.  Anyway I got freaked out and just went back the way I came.  Obviously I would not have taken this picture so thanks to google images for your contribution to today's 365 Photo Blog.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 123: Beowolf the German Shepherd

This week I have been driving to College Grove to walk one of my favorite pet clients, Beowolf. The owner spells it with an O. He is really big and scary looking at first but he really is just one of the sweetest dogs I have ever worked with. Today we walked all the way to the road where across the street there were three horses. In the picture he is lying on the grass watching one of the horses. The horse walked over to the fence closer to us when he noticed we were there watching him. Beowolf is such a sweet and curious dog. I'll be sad when his fence is built and they won't need me to come walk him anymore.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 122: Edie Comes to Nashville

Today my sister Molly and her 2 month old baby Edie came to Nashville and I got to pick them up. She's so CUTE!

Day 121: Baking Fun!

Tonight I made some cupcakes for fun. That's all.

Day 120: Enough About Waffles...

Is probably what some will say about this blog. I know I did one about her just yesterday but today I didn't get any other real pictures so this will have to do. I was getting ready for work and went into tge closet and at first I didn't see her but I heard her and turned around to find Waffles sleeping on a pile of some of Preston's clothes. I guess I woke her up.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 119: Sleepy Allergy Time

<p>So after I left the festival yesterday I started feeling a little itchy in my throat and nose. I took some benadryl later in the evening and as usual I was knocked out within the hour. Preston was able to capture this adorable moment where Waffles curled up against my back where I fell asleep on the couch.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 118: The Dogosaur

This afternoon I went to the Franklin Main Street Festival. This dog looks more like a small horse! He is a 3 year old great dane weighing in at 130 lbs. I didn't get his name because the owner started looking annoyed about all the attention.

Day 117: Reflection-les

Some mornings Preston and I are woken up to the sound of Waffles scratching down the wall. She does this thing when cars pass by where she will chase the reflection down the wall and try to catch it. So cute but annoying at the same time. Cute wins every time.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 116: Stormy Weather

Today we had some pretty bad weather here in Middle Tennessee. Preston took this picture from our bedroom window while I was at work.  Two tornados were spotted in Franklin.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 115: Omni Hut

Tonight Preston and I went to eat at the Omni Hut. A really adorable and really old Polynesian restaurant in Smyrna.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 114: Welcome Mason James

Today my best friend finally had her baby boy Mason James almost a whole week late. 8 lbs 8 oz 20 1/2 inches. Such a cutie!

Day 113: Preston Holland-Dog Sitter

So this week Preston is helping me out with some of our pet jobs. Here he is with little Miss Lexi. He's a pro.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 112: Turkey in the Road

I was driving to work this morning and came up on a wild turkey in the road with his tail feathers up. It got out if the street before I snapped the photo. I wanted to watch it for a while but someone drove up behind me so I had to go.

Day 111: Ziggy and Lilu

Meet Ziggy and Lilu, my newest little pet clients.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 110: Red Velvet Pancakes

Tonight I tried some of the new red velvet pancakes at the new ihop on Hwy 96. They are alright but were not what I expected. At least my server was nice.

Day 109: Waffles' Stripy Shadow Ear

Today Waffles was sitting one of the end tables getting some sun. It wasn't until I looked closer at this pic later that I noticed the shadow from the blinds making her ear all stripy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 108: Our New Neighbors

Today I noticed we've had some new neighbors move in behind us recently.  It look as if they have been there a while but for some reason or another I'm just now noticing.  It's a huge family and I'm starting to worry now if they might take over our back porch.  Meet our new neighbors....
The Ants!

Day 107: Dinosaur Friend

Today we had a little friend helping us out at the front desk.  I think maybe some little kid may have dropped it and it was returned to the front desk. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 106: Nothing

Today I did absolutely nothing worth taking a picture for.  Sorry to be so boring on this day.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 104: Apple Tree Update

I realized I have not posted anything about the apple trees lately.  Last time I watered them I noticed there are little tiny aphid thingies living in the dirt.  Ew.  They are getting taller and taller every day!  I'm thinking I need to replant them before all their roots get tangled and whatnot.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 103: Nutella Hot Chocolate

Tonight I was sitting at the house wanting something chocolate and not feeling like getting out to get it.  I remembered we have some Nutella, and I saw once on Pinterest or something that you can melt it into some hot milk and make hot chocolate.  It was delicious!

Day 102: Mom's New Oven

I want to apologize for my extreme laziness when it comes to this blog lately.  There are some days when I really just don't feel like doing it.  There are also some days when there are just not any photo opps, and I'm left scrambling for a photo at the end of the day.  Then I just have to pick something to photograph like today, I picked my Mom's new oven.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 101: Rest in Peace Uncle Baby

Today is a sad day for the Hollands.  I am sad to report my in-laws' kitten Baby has lost his battle with FIP.  You may remember the post titled Day 24: Meet Uncle Baby, where I told about my in-laws' new Ragdoll kitten and how he had been diagnosed with FIP or Feline Infectious Peritonitis.  We have known for a few weeks now that his condition was getting worse and he would have to be put to sleep.  Rest in peace Baby, you will be missed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 100!

I wish I would have had something more fun for the 100th 365 Photo Blog but it was a rather uninteresting day so here's Darby in all her sleepy cuteness.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 99: Easter!

So the mystery photo from yesterday was a picture of a fun Easter basket idea I came up with for Preston.  I made a Manly Easter Basket for a Grown Man.  I got him a new messenger bag, a new shirt and a bag of his favorite chips along with some of his favorite cookies.  I used the bag as the basket and the shirt as the grass and stuffed the other stuff inside.  He loved it!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 98: Mystery Photo Part One

Today's photo will remain a mystery until tomorrow when it will be safe to reveal the whole picture.  The most important thing I did today was work on a little last minute project for someone, and it needs to be delivered before I can post the real pic of it.  So for now this is what you get.....

To be continued..............

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 97: I Feel so Loved....and Missed

Today at work, like 5 minutes before I was about to leave I heard someone come in asking for me.  It was one of my favorite Starbucks regulars! She and her sister an mother and all their kids and neices and nephews were always such a joy to help at Starbucks.  What a nice surprise when she came in to the hotel today to bring me a little Easter bag with some chocolate bunnies in it.  I just have to say I feel so loved and missed and will always think of Starbucks as a place where I was able to be myself and make a ton of friends who I will always know now.  It's just good to know people are still thinking about me even though I'm not working there anymore.  It tells me I must have made some sort of positive impact on some people and that makes me feel so good about myself.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 96: My First Fat Moe's Experience

Today I had my first Little Moe and it was delicious! P talks about Fat Moe's all the time and now I finally got to try it.  I can't believe I'm just going there today.  It is so good.  I just had Pres pose in front of the menu.

Day 95: Parents' New Kitchen

Preston and I are watching Darby again while my parents are in FL.  They are also in the process of getting their kitchen remodeled and we are kind of supervising the work while they are away.  This is a picture of the new granite counter tops. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 94: Killer Sinus Headache Dizziness Attack

Alright! So a couple of days ago I started waking up with this tremendous feeling of dizziness and couldn't quite figure out why.  I guess I've been a little stopped up but I didn't think it would have anything to do with that.  Until last night when I got the worst sinus headache of my entire life and almost couldn't drive. Well I got to my parents' house where P and I are taking care of Darby and it all just hit me really hard.  Massive headache behind my nose, ears and forehead.  Extreme nausea and dizziness.  Preston is such a good husband for taking such good care of me.  He even started googling all my symptoms and found out I probably have a case of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, and some pretty mean allergies.  Here I am planted next to the toilet wrapped in a towel because I'm freezing.  I never got sick but every time I sat on the couch or somewhere I'd feel like I was going to so I just stayed in there.  Sorry this may be a little TMI but it is one of the most interesting things that happened today.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 93: Decorating

Today I hung some pictures up in our bedroom.  Pres has been wanting to hang these back up but I have been waiting to find the perfect place and I found it today.  I'm not sure exactly how Waffles seems to end up in so many pics.  LOL!

Day 92: Amazon Birthday Money

My parents gave me a $25 Amazon credit for my birthday and I decided to use it on some things I've wanted for a while now.  A knife and a thing called a Kubotan used for jabbing an assailant to stun them and try to get away.  It also makes a unique looking key chain.  Best part is they are both pink! I can't wait till they get here.

Day 91: Catching Fire

Tonight I finished reading Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger games triolgy.  I am serioulsy loving these books. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 90: Creepy Fog

I got off at 11 tonight and had to go to Kroger on my way home.  When I went back out to the car I came out to this creepy fog floating across the parking lot. 

PS.. sorry I have started getting a little lazy about posting before bed.  I'm still adjusting to my job change and stuff. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 89: New Chapter

Today starts a new chapter in my career as it was my last day at Starbucks.  I'm sad to be leaving but also I'm just really excited about going back to Hospitality.  Emme baked a blueberry macadamia cake and it was really good.  Thank you to everyone I met and worked with at Starbucks.  I learned alot from all of you and I also learned alot about myself.  I'll never forget the time I spent working with you guys at the Buck! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 88: Best 3 years of my life!

Today is Preston's and my 3 year wedding anniversary.  I have to say it has been the best 3 years of my life.  Happy anniversary Buz I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 87: Best Birthday Ever!

Today was my 28th birthday and I have to say even though I worked it was one of the best birthdays I have ever had.  When I got to work there were balloons a fruit bowl and a piece of cake from my good friend Morgan.  Also later in the evening my friend Laura brought me a gift which was a pretty soap in a keepsake box and a cute pad of paper.  Then when I got home I checked the mail and there was a card in it from our kittens that Pres had just stuck in the mail box.  And when I went inside Preston was at the door singing happy birthday to me and he baked me a cake!!!!  And of course there were all the sweet birthday wishes from my friends on Facebook.  Thank you everyone for making this such a great birthday!  I love all of you!!!!  Also tonight was my last closing shift at Starbucks so I'm adding a pick of all us closers.