Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31: Police on the Scene

Today's photo is brought to you by the Spring Hill Police Department, our across the way neighbor and the fire hydrant he knocked over with his van.

This was the scene when I left for work today. Photo courtesy of Preston Holland because I was half way down the road when I thought to make this today's photo.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30: As Seen On TV

Today's photo is brought to you by the Pasta Boat.

Preston and I got one for Christmas and today was the first time I used it.  It is awesome!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29: 365 Photo Blog's First Local Celebrity

Today's photo is brought to you by News Channel 5's Chief Meteorologist Ron Howes.

I just want everyone to know I don't ever get star struck.  But I absolutely LOVE seeing local celebrities, like the time I saw Kelly Grimsley at the Tall City 10 in Midland, TX.  Kelly Grimsley is a car dealership owner in Midland, or at least he was then.  Anyway, today while I was at work I saw Ron Howes having coffee with family.  I hated to interrupt so I asked for a pic as they were leaving.  And I wouldn't normally do that except now I have this picture of the day blog I have to do every day.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28: Fun With Spray Paint

Today's photo is brought to you by an ugly Goodwill find turned beautiful tchotchke shelf.

One of my favorite things to do is on the first Saturday of each month, I go to Goodwill to see what great things I can find to do fun things with like spray paint, and pretty soon decopauge.  The first Saturday of the month is Super Saturday where EVERYTHING is half price.  Anyway, here we have one that I found a couple of months ago, that I just painted today.  It was fun because it has the little door on it, so I thought why not make it two different colors just because I can.  So I took off the door and spray painted it pink, and the rest of it black.  I also spray painted the hardware silver for fun.  It was originally light brown wood and it was really boring and ugly.  Here's the finished product.  I'm going to hang it on the wall in the laundry room to display some of my little tchotchkes that I have lying around.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27: Dining Room Redo Finished

Today's photo is brought to you by my finished dining room!  Yay!!!

I'm so proud of the way it turned out.  Preston really likes it too.

Day 26: Mirror Mirror On the Wall.....

Thank God you're even there at all!

Today's photo is brought to you by the mirror Preston's parents' gave us for Christmas......2010.

You may have seen the top of this mirror in at least one of the pics so far.  It has been leaning on the wall in our dining room since we brought it home that Christmas.  I've finally finished painting so it's now finally on the wall instead of just leaning on it.  Hopefully tomorrow's photo will be brought to you by my completely finished dining room re-do. I have to hang the new curtains, so we shall see.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25: Faithful Provisions

Today's photo is brought to you by Bradford and Kelly Hancock of Faithful Provisions, a web site and blog dedicated to helping others save money through couponing. 

Basically they tell you which stores have deals on certain products, then where to go for a coupon that you can stack on said deal to get said product on the cheap, and sometimes free.  If you are wanting to start being more frugal I would definitely recommend this web site. They also offer workshops you can attend to learn even more about couponing.  It's really fun when you are checking out at Publix or somewhere and you have a huge amount of savings.  Here's a picture of Kelly's book that just came out recently called Saving Savvy.  Check it out.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 24: Meet Uncle Baby

Today's photo is brought to you by my in-laws' new little kitten Baby.

I'm about to look pretty weird right about now, but really, if you know me well enough this next bit of news will not surprise you. In our family, pets might as well be humans.  So if Baby is my in-laws son that makes him Preston's brother, and my brother-in-law.  Therefore our kittens are our children which would make them Baby's neices, hence why we call him Uncle Baby.  Anyway, P and I went to his parents' house tonight and found out that Baby may have a fatal disease called FIP or Feline Infectious Peritonitis.  We are not sure that is what he has but he has been showing signs of it since they got him in November.  He's a Ragdoll, isn't he cute?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23: Selah and the New Partner Lounge

Today's photo is brought to you by my friend and co-worker Selah, and the need for our store to have a better flow of traffic during the morning rush.

So we have 2 sets of these awesomely comfortable chairs at our Starbucks, but right now 1 of the sets is in our back room.  I was going to the back to get something while Selah was on her lunch, and this is how I found her.  Sitting there all sprawled out and comfy talking to her man and eating a sandwich.  Isn't she just so adorable?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22: Cat Food Paradise

Today's photo is brought to you by my husband and one of those pet food containers with the little pour spout on top.

Earlier today Preston texted me saying he had a little problem with the kitty food, but that he would take care of it after work.  I figured what probably happened was that the lid came off the container and the cat food spilled out all over the place.  Upon my arrival home from work I realized.....I was right.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21: Apple Tree Progression #3

Today's photo is brought to you by my apple tree(s).

Okay you are going to get sick of these trees but I don't care.  It just occured to me yesterday that this 365 photo blog will be looked back on and I will have at least one memory for every day of the entire year.  That just blows my mind don't ask why.

 I think the second tree, which is the one on the right, has caught up to, or even gotten taller than the first tree that sprouted a good week or week and a half before it did. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 20: Dining Room Re-do Phase One

Today's photo is brought to you by the fact that Pres and I have owned our townhome for just over 2 years and we are just now painting!

So it has taken us 2 years to decide how we wanted to paint our lovely townhome, and we decided to go with some of the colors from our china.  The plates have this really pretty turquoise ish light blue rim that I love, so we went with that for the walls in our dining room.  Here is a picture of our progress thus far.

Day 19: Costco Coupon Angel

Today's photo is brought to you by my trip to Costco to buy some zip lock baggies.

While standing in line the nice lady behind me tapped my arm and said, "here you go, I'm not going to use this".  It was a $2 off coupon for the zip lock baggies.  How cool is that?  This further proves that there really are good people in the world.  I love moments like this.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18: Trapper the Squirrel

Today's photo is brought to you by the nice guys at Trapper Jack Wildlife Specialist, and the pesky squirrel that was in my parents' attic.

So when I got to my parents' house today for a one night Darby sitting adventure, I saw that there was a squirrel in the trap set just outside the "squirrel entrance" on the edge of the roof.  I called my mom and told her about it so she could call the trap people to come get him out.  Over the next couple of hours while I waited, I kind of got to know the little fella, so I named him Trapper after the name of the people who were coming to set him free.  They take the wildlife they catch and release them back into the wild away from houses so no squirrels were harmed during the making of this blog post.  Preston and I took some pics of him and this one was the best one.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17: Apple Tree # 2

Today's photo is brought to you by my apple trees!

Ok I know I just did an apple tree photo but the second one literally popped up overnight and I couldn't resist making it today's pic.  You'll see the first apple tree behind the new one.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16: The Funky Chicken....Egg

Today's photo is brought to you by a box of Kroger eggs.

Preston and I went grocery shopping and got some eggs and other miscellaneous items.  I always check all the eggs before putting them in my buggy to make sure none are cracked or broken, and one was particularly interesting looking.  Not much else to the story really so here's the pic.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15: Apple Tree Progression 1

Today's photo is brought to you by Day 12: My Apple Tree.

So I'm back from SA and one of the first things I did was go to see how much my apple tree had grown since I'd been gone.  It's so cute, just look at the little spriglet coming out of the middle.  Also, look forward to there being more updates about my apple tree on here every once in a while just to update, and maybe on my Craft Tastic Ash blog as well.

Day 14: Big Lou's Pizza

Today's photo is brought to you by Big Lou's Pizza in San Antonio, Texas.

After Molly's baby shower, some of us went to Big Lou's Pizza to enjoy a 42'' pizza.  You can view the Big Lou's website here.  We waited alomst 2 and a half hours to get a table at this joint, but trust me it was worth every second we waited.  Photo courtesy of my brother-in-law Phillip Barloco.

Day 13: Trip to San Antonio

Today's photo is brought to you by my trip to San Antonio for my sister's baby shower.

Wow, what a great weekend this was.  I just have to say I love getting together with both my sisters and our mom all at the same time.  Mom and I are both here in Middle Tennessee while Molly lives in SA and Christy in Austin, so getting us all together in the same room doesn't happen often.  Anyway, I had the most wonderful time on this trip.  Although I did miss my husband and kitties.  Sorry the pic couldn't be more interesting, there weren't many photo ops the rest of the day.

Day 12: My Apple Tree

Today's photo is brought to you by one of the most delicious honeycrisp apples I've ever eaten.

So 8ish years my stepdad planted some orange seeds all randomly to see what would happen. Well obviously an orange tree grew.  It got to be about 2 feet tall and he gave it to Preston and me and well we killed it.  I have felt bad ever since, so I decided to try the same thing with some seeds from a honeycrisp apple.  This is after about a week.  You kind of have to look closely because in this pic it is just a little speck of green, but in person it is 2 little leaves poking out of the dirt.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11: Awesome Goodwill Find

Today's photo is brought to you by my trip to Goodwill.  I went to Goodwill today to look for a cheap yellow shirt to wear to work tomorrow because Starbucks is promoting the new Blonde Roast coffees.  While I was there I found this little Singer Sewing Machine replica trinket box with accessories inside.  Parts of it are broken but I don't care.  It's still cool.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10: Mod Podge Time

Today's photo is brought to you by the Mod Podge brand brayer and squeegee set I ordered on Amazon the day after Christmas.  It finally arrived today and I can't wait to start doing some decopauge like I used to a long time ago.  Stay tuned and I might have something to post on my Craft Tastic Ash blog.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9: Vern Vern Watches Pawn Stars

Today's photo is brought to you by Preston's and my Monday night tradition of watching our DVRed Pawn Stars episodes.  I've already done a couple of photo blogs about Waffles, so I thought I should introduce our other baby, La Vergne aka Vern Vern.  Here she is watching Pawn Stars with us.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8: Nancy's Flowers

Today's photo is brought to you by my manager Nancy, co-worker Emme, and Emme's dad.  So shout out to Emme, she was really sick for a couple of weeks and ended up in the ER a couple of times.  Nancy was her saving grace the second time and now her dad's in town taking care of her.  So Nancy got the flowers from him as a thank you for taking such good care of Emme.  What an awesome manager we have!!! Emme I'm glad you are ok!!!!!!!!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7: Waffles and the Litter Pail

Today's Photo is brought to you by my adorable kitty baby, Waffles.  Ok first I have to admit that I did not take this picture today.  I got busy and forgot to take a pic and without anything to photograph I decided to pic one I already had.  As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure Preston took this pic.  I think Waffles is saying thanks for the new litter.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6: MacGyver Tail Light

Today's photo is brought to you by my broken bicycle tail light.  While biking the greenway from Crocket Park to the Brentwood Y on Wednesday afternoon, my tail light broke off and well, it was not exactly able to be fixed.  Preston and I wanted to go for a night ride this evening so here's what I came up with.  Luckily I had some pipe cleaners lying around, it's good to be a crafter.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5: Coffee

Today's photo is brought to you by my morning cup of coffee.  I have been using Starbucks VIA Ready Brew pretty much since it came out.  I love it! You'll see the pretty swirls that happened when I stirred in my creamer, and that it's in my Texas flag mug.  Yay I'm going to Texas in less than a week!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4: Meteor Shower

Today's photo is brought to you by the Quadrantids Meteor Shower. 

Preston and I got all bundled up and sat outside in some folding chairs to watch the meteor shower.  We were only able to stand the cold for about 30 to 45 minutes, but I saw 8 and he saw 5.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3: "Wake up Momma"

Today's  photo is brought to you by my eldest kitten daughter, Waffles.  In preparation for the meteor shower from 3 to 5am on Wednesday morning, I decided to take a little nap, so that I would not be dragging my butt around all day the next morning.  Waffles has this really raspy sounding purr that is so peaceful to wake up to.  She will walk around on my nightstand purring and rubbing her head on my hand to wake me up.  It's the cutest thing in the world! I love her so much.  "Ok I'm up baby."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2: Santa

Today's photo is brought to you by two of my favorite Starbucks customers.  The week before Christmas little Caroline and her 2 year old little brother gave me this Santa ornament as a Christmas gift.  Little Caroline even wrapped it and wrote out the gift tag.  So cute!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1: Kelso and the Elephant Hat

Today's photo of the day is brought to you by my beautiful friend and coworker Kelsey.  The hat she is wearing was given to her by her siblings for Christmas.  Isn't it adorable? Also the adorable looking green apron board in the background was made by yours truly (insert shameless plug for my Craft Tastic Ash blog).