Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 48: Paranormal Activity 3

Today's photo is brought to you by movie night at the Holland's, and Paranormal Activity 3.

So Pres and I are huge fans of the Paranormal Activity movies and tonight we finally rented the third one on Redbox.  It's pretty scary like the others.  You never know when something scary is about to happen.  The ending was really scary and weird though.  Anyway the weirdest part about this pic is going to freak out my friend and co-worker Michael whose unlucky number is 2.  You know on the movies where they show the night time footage and it has the little time ticker on bottom?  Well just check out the time on the pic, I just so happened to take the pick when it said 2:22:22.  Freaky!  Sorry Michael.

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