Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 60: Leap Day

Today's photo is brought to you by the fact that I forgot it was leap year when I named this blog 365 Photo Blog.

I made the decision to start this blog within the first couple of hours of the new year and I forgot about it being leap year.  So I guess technically it should be named the 366 Phot Blog, but since I always have to be different I'll just keep it how it is.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 59: Signs of Spring

Today's photo is brought to you by the many signs of Spring I am seeing all around me.

This afternoon I was outside playing with some of my pet clients and saw a couple of little yellow butterflies flying around all cute.  Then on the way home from that I saw even more of the little yellow and purple flowers that grow on the side of the road.  I put one of those little strawberry growing kits in Preston's stocking for Christmas and he started it today.  I'm sure there will be an update on that coming soon to 365 Photo Blog. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 58: Nascar's Newest Fan

Today's photo is brought to you by the Daytona 500.

I don't think I've ever watched a car race until tonight, but if I have, I'm sure I missed all the crashes because that's my favorite part about watching the races.  Don't think I'm getting excited about the drivers possibly getting hurt or killed.  It's just fun to watch that first car veer into another and then it all goes to crap from there.  Then they replay it like 50 times from all the different cameras.  My favorite one to watch is the one from the spinning vehicle. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 57: Edie Elizabeth

Today's photo is brought to you by my sister Molly, her husband Phillip, and their adorable brand new baby Edie Elizabeth Barloco.  Photo courtesy of Phillip Barloco.

Welcome to the world Edie!  Born 2/26/2012 4:02 pm.  6 lbs 12 oz and 18.5 inches long.  Isn't she so adorable?!?!?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 56: Next Day Off Project

Today's photo is brought to you by the project I am going to do on my next day off. 

At Starbucks we used to have these little table topper thingiess for promo displays and what not.  We now have new shelfy thingies and the old ones were just getting thrown away so I grabbed a couple to do something fun with. I spray painted them navy blue and used stencils to spray on some gold. I have had these done for months and I am finally going to put some wall hanging hooks on the back of them and hang them above the bed.  For now they are kind of in the way in our small upstairs hallway.

Day 55: Preston's Day Off

Today's photo is brought to you by Preston, his day off, and our adorable kittens!

So Preston had the day off today and decided to stay at the house and do nothing but play games and watch TV with the kittens.  A few weeks ago I moved the kittens' toys into a little basket under one of our coffee tables.  Pres moved it out and Waffles pulled out a new toy.  Here's the picture he took.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 54: Nero's Grill

Today's photo is brought to you by my Father-In-Law's birthday dinner at Nero's Grill in Green Hills.

I have been looking forward to this all day because Nero's has these really awesome corn cakes that are deliciously crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.  They are so good.  I am sorry I didn't actually take this picture though.  The lighting was kind of dim and well I didn't feel like trying to take a pic of the table.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 53: Dinner With Angie

Today's photo is brought to you by Jason's Deli on West End, and my good friend Angie.

So I got to catch up with my friend Angie tonight and we had such a great time hanging out and talking.  We used to do trivia in Spring Hill on Monday nights but since she and her husband moved we don't get to hang as much.  I meant to get a pic of the two of us for today's blog but I forgot.

We brought some Jason's food to Preston after we were finished and he gave Angie a tour of the Emergency Communications Center where he works in Nashville.  I put a kids' activity book and some crayons in the bag with his food and he sent me this picture he drew.  He's such an amazing artist. 

Day 52: Easter Chick

Today's photo is brought to you by the Seasonal Aisle at Kroger.

I can't believe how fast they move out the last holiday to get in the next one.  I went to get more coffee creamer tonight and looked through some of the Easter stuff and found these adorable little wind-up hoppy chicks.  They're even cuter when they are hopping around in a little circle.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51: Cleaning Day

Today's photo is brought to you by my normal cleaning day and the fact that nothing interesting happened the whole day.

Here's our beautiful shining bathroom counter.  You can also see my Pinterest inspired make-up magnet board.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 50: Cat Shelves

Today's photo is brought to you by a couple of 6 foot particle boards, some carpet, a utility knife and some leftover carpet.

So I have been really inspired by the show My Cat From Hell (which has been featured in a previous 365 blog).  Jackson Galaxy advises alot of his clients to get some sort of wall fixtures or shelves that the cats can climb on, perch on and look down from.  The other night I went to Lowe's and got some particle boards to use for my cat shelves.  I wrapped sisal rope around part of one and carpet on the other part, and 2 others so far are covered in carpet.  I'm planning on featuring this project in a future Craft Tastic Ash blog as well.  Here's what I have so far.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 49: More Fun with Spray Paint

Today's photo is brought to you by a decorative bowl with a bird and some fake pinecones we got from Preston's mom when we first moved into our townhome.

I've always thought it was a little boring looking so last week I started to paint it with different colors of spray paint and I finished it today.  I'm thinking I want to repaint the base a color other than red because it looks a little too red here.

Day 48: Paranormal Activity 3

Today's photo is brought to you by movie night at the Holland's, and Paranormal Activity 3.

So Pres and I are huge fans of the Paranormal Activity movies and tonight we finally rented the third one on Redbox.  It's pretty scary like the others.  You never know when something scary is about to happen.  The ending was really scary and weird though.  Anyway the weirdest part about this pic is going to freak out my friend and co-worker Michael whose unlucky number is 2.  You know on the movies where they show the night time footage and it has the little time ticker on bottom?  Well just check out the time on the pic, I just so happened to take the pick when it said 2:22:22.  Freaky!  Sorry Michael.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 47: 10 Mile Bike Ride

Today's photo is brought to you by Preston's and my 10 mile bike ride from Downtown Nashville all the way to the Opryland Hotel.

Preston has done this ride a couple of times before today and this was the first time I'd had the chance to go too.  We parked the car at 3rd and Lindsley and rode to the Shelby Street pedestrian bridge, and on to Shelby Park and down the Shelby Bottoms Greenway.  It was so fun and I can't wait to do another one like it.  I can't believe I actually rode that far.  This is my victory face.  (And before anyone asks, I've never been to Amsterdam.  The sweatshirt was a handed down hand-me-down from my Mother-In-Law.  I love it because it's super warm and comfy for days like this.)

Day 46: Out of Gas

Today's photo is brought you you by me, my Hyundai Accent, Hyundai Roadside Assistance, Nashville Pop-A-Lock and my empty gas tank.

So my old car George would go at least 25 miles with the low fuel light on so I was sure that my new car Jonathon would go at least that far, being new and all.  Well tonight I found out that when my low fuel light goes on I have roughly about 14 miles to go before I run out.  I meant to get gas before work but I had so many errands to run before hand that I forgot to allot time for it and had to go straight in to work.  I thought I'd make it back home to get gas at our neighborhood Kroger before 10 but I ran out of gas right at the 840.  About an hour later Will from Pop-A-Lock showed up to give me some gas.  Oh BTW, Pop-A-Lock does gas delivery.  I didn't know that until tonight.  Anyway in the meantime my car battery also died from sitting there with my flashers on for an hour so after he put gas in it he had to jump it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 45: Best Valentine's Day

Today's photo is brought to you by my adorable kittens and my sweet and loving husband Preston.

I woke up this morning to find not one  but two of the sweetest Valentine's Day cards I've ever received.  The first one was from our kittens, with help from Pres of course.  He tried to get them to put paw prints on it with paint, it didn't work out like he meant but it still turned out to be really adorable.  They also got me a heart shaped candy box.  Preston's card was equally as sweet as theirs and he left me the M&Ms and another heart shaped candy box.  I have the best Valentines ever!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 44: Cinderella Snow Globe

Today's photo is brought to you by the Cinderella Snow Globe I saw at Kroger tonight.

Well first off I was there to get some birthday cards for a couple of people I know having birthdays soon, and to get a last minute Valentine's Day card for Preston.  Anyway while I was there I heard a  couple of young girls talking about the front door was broken and everyone is trapped inside until they get it fixed. So I looked through the marked down Valentine's Day stuff while I waited.  If you look closely you can see that Cinderella's head is off and it is floating around in the snow globe.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 43: Apple Tree Update

I haven't posted an update for the apple trees in a while so I thought I'd go ahead and do that today.  Plus nothing else interesting really happened today so here it is.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 42: I Faced a Fear Today

Today's photo is brought to you by my now former fear of the elliptical trainer.

Until tonight I have been deathly afraid of the elliptical trainer because just the first 2 or 3 minutes were completely unbearable.  My legs hurt so bad I didn't want to stay on it.  Since I have been working out more often and eating better, tonight I thought I'd give it another shot.  I got to 11 minutes and I'm so proud of myself.  I just felt like sharing that.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 41: Official Business Owners

Today's photo is brought to you by Ashley Holland Pet and House Care Concierge, the City of Spring Hill, TN and Maury County.

Today Preston and I went out and got our city and county business licenses so we can operate as a legitimate business.  We are so excited about this step towards our future in the pet and house care industry.  I can't wait to see where this will take us.  The bright orange background of this picture is from one of the tables at Jana's Jumbo House Burgers in Columbia, TN.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 40: Zumba With Friends

Today's photo is brought to you by my Thursday night Zumba class, and my friends Morgan, Emme, and Laura who joined me this week.

This was my third time going to Zumba and it was even more fun with some of my closest friends there with me.  This pic was obviously taken before the class started.  Our class was then followed up with dinner at Logan's.  Such a fun girls' night!

Day 39: Kitty Kodak Moment

Today's photo is brought to you by our adorable kitties!

Sorry Phil, I couldn't resist another kitty blog. So my original photo was going to be of a pinterest project I did involving a baking pan, a couple of screws, some clothes pins with magnets hot glued on and our free spirits (AKA the lonely socks you have left after folding laundry).  It wasn't as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as I had imagined it would be so I decided to have Pres capture this moment the kittens and I were having in our stairs while throwing the ball with Vern Vern.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38: My Husband

Today's photo is brought to you by my adorable and loving husband Preston Holland.

I chose to make him my photo today because I haven't really seen him in a couple of days and well I need to introduce him on here anyway.  Seeing as I have already used our cats more than once I thought I should do that.  Anyway, he has been working alot of extra hours recently and that's why we haven't gotten to see much of each other.  So I wanted to say thank you Pres for all your hard work and dedication to our household.  I love you so much (and you look smokin' hot in this pic).

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 37: Weird Winter

Today's photo is brought to you by the weirdest winter I have ever experienced. 

This should not be happening yet.....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 36: My BFF

Today's photo is brought to you by my favorite picture of my best friend Brittany and me.

Today is Brittany's birthday, which also marks our anniversary of becoming best friends forever.  14 years ago today I attended Brittany's 13th birthday party/ slumber party and we have been best friends ever since.  I want to say Happy Birthday and Happy BFF Anniversary Brittany Cassidy!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35: Jackson Galaxy

Today's photo is brought to you by my new favorite show on Animal Planet called My Cat From Hell.

Jackson Galaxy is a musician by night and a cat behaviorist by day.  He's like a cat whisperer, I love this guy.  Check out his website here.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34: Chronicle

Today's photo is brought to you by the new movie Chronicle.

It's about these three high school friends who find this hole in the ground that has something in it that gives them telekinetic powers.  One of them ends up being kind of a bad seed and causes alot of mayhem and injuries to alot of people.  Preston and I have been looking forward to this movie coming out since we saw the secret trailer in like October, and it was everything we expected.  I looked around the theater for a big movie poster to photograph, but obviously could not find one so here is a pic I found from the interwebs.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33: Whitney Sews February Viewer Showcase Photo Submission

Today's photo is brought to you by the Whitney Sews Viewer Showcase on youtube.

Whitney Sews is a channel on youtube where Whitney posts craft and sewing video tutorials.  I have been a subscriber for about a year now and I have used her tutorials to make a few different things.  At the end of each month she posts a viewer showcase video showing photos of crafts sent to her by her viewers.  This is one of the photos I sent today.  I hope it will be on this months showcase at the end of the month. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32: Business Card Pay Off

Today's photo is brought to you by Ashley Holland, Pet and House Care Concierge.

About 2 years ago Preston and I decided we would try to start a pet care business to make some extra cash on the side.  It wasn't until about 4 months ago that we came up with our name and got some business cards made.  I put a stack of them at our gym and today I got my first contact via email.