Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 144: The Google Moog Doodle

Not many people know this but my husband is really into electronic music. Especially music made with old school synthesizers like the ones created by Robert Moog. It's the late Robert Moog's 78th birthday and Google has a Moog synth doodle that you can record a little song onto.  Here's P checking it out.

Day 143: Pretty Weeds

Today I took a walk around our neighborhood and saw a whole bunch of thistle weed flowers all in one big bunch. Also in the front you will see a giant blow flower. So pretty.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 141: My Car Buddy

So anyone who knows me probably knows how much I love Gumby. Well I have a bendable Gumby in my car and today it looked like he was about to start taking notes with that pen.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 140: Little Blue Bird

Today I was going through some things in the hobby room and I heard a little song coming from right outside the window. It was from this cute little fellow. The picture quality is not that great because I zoomed in.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139: Gotta love being a homeowner

So a few days ago I noticed a strange spot on our kitchen cieling. The next day I realized it was actually a leak. We had a plumber come out to take a look only for him to discover the problem is our HVAC. It froze up then thawed and the water leaked out somehow and now we have this.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Days 130-138: Sorry I've Really Been Busy

So I have been pretty busy and not able to blog like I was. I hate doing it like this but there's no way I'll be able to go back and do all the days I missed. So here's a pic of ny calendar just showing the whole past week or so that I missed.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 129: Crafty Time

So today I felt inspired and decided to finish making some coasters I started months ago. Nothing else real interesting about today.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 128: Our Business Website

Today I made a website for our pet sitting business. It's not live yet but it's getting there.

Day 127: Edie's Hair Flowers

Today my sister Molly and I made some really cute flowers for my niece Edie to wear in her little headbands. They were really fun and cute!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 126: Waffles is Shockingly Human

I was having breakfast this morning and caught Waffles gazing out the window. She looks like an angsty teenager staring inti space thinking about her boyfriend or school or something.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day125: Lightin' Storm

Anyone who really knows me knows how much I love stormy weather. Especially during night storms I'll stand at the window and take pictures one right after the other just trying to capture lightning on my phone. I probably took at least 200 tonight and got 3 really good ones and a couple of medium good ones. This one was the best.

Day 124: Scary Coyotes

Tonight I took a ride on my bike, and I was going to go in a circle but I turned around and came home the same way I came.  So there are 2 subdivisions around where we live and P just discovered they connect.  There is a strip about a half mile between where there are not any houses yet and when it's night you can see the stars really well.  Last night when I got to this point I could hear some emergency sirens off in the distance, probably somewhere along Saturn Parkway.  Anyway as these sirens were going off I could hear very clearly in the wooded area there were several coyotes back there howling at them.  Now, I grew up in the boonies of West Texas so I know what coyotes sound like.  At first it sounds like it might be a bunch of kids laughing and having a good time but then when you listen closer you can here the yipping and howling and you know it's not people.  Anyway I got freaked out and just went back the way I came.  Obviously I would not have taken this picture so thanks to google images for your contribution to today's 365 Photo Blog.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 123: Beowolf the German Shepherd

This week I have been driving to College Grove to walk one of my favorite pet clients, Beowolf. The owner spells it with an O. He is really big and scary looking at first but he really is just one of the sweetest dogs I have ever worked with. Today we walked all the way to the road where across the street there were three horses. In the picture he is lying on the grass watching one of the horses. The horse walked over to the fence closer to us when he noticed we were there watching him. Beowolf is such a sweet and curious dog. I'll be sad when his fence is built and they won't need me to come walk him anymore.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 122: Edie Comes to Nashville

Today my sister Molly and her 2 month old baby Edie came to Nashville and I got to pick them up. She's so CUTE!

Day 121: Baking Fun!

Tonight I made some cupcakes for fun. That's all.

Day 120: Enough About Waffles...

Is probably what some will say about this blog. I know I did one about her just yesterday but today I didn't get any other real pictures so this will have to do. I was getting ready for work and went into tge closet and at first I didn't see her but I heard her and turned around to find Waffles sleeping on a pile of some of Preston's clothes. I guess I woke her up.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 119: Sleepy Allergy Time

<p>So after I left the festival yesterday I started feeling a little itchy in my throat and nose. I took some benadryl later in the evening and as usual I was knocked out within the hour. Preston was able to capture this adorable moment where Waffles curled up against my back where I fell asleep on the couch.